Hello everyone!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was fantastic! We went to our friends Sal and Alex’s for dinner, which was lovely. I volunteered to bring the desserts, not only because I love baking but also due to the fact that I am gluten free as is Sal so I wanted to make sure we had something delicious to eat. I LOVE pumpkin pie. It’s def tied with banana cream pie for first place!

One of the challenges of gluten free baking is that a lot of the time they end up tasting chalky or dense. I prefer to make my own dessert so I can monitor what is going in them. Many GF desserts contain lots of additives and binders that make the desserts taste weird. I would just rather do without.
Pastry is one of the most difficult things to make GF that taste like the original, until now. The Adventuresome Kitchen: Grama’s Pastry mix is amazing! I have tried a few GF pastry mixes and this one is by far THE BEST!

It turned out tasting exactly like regular pie crust. Even the non GF people at the table loved it. It’s very simple to make but I would advise refrigerating it for at least two hours to make it easier to roll out. I left mine in the fridge overnight and it rolled out perfectly.

It comes to the filling. You won’t see me scraping out a pumpkin. I was raised on can pumpkin and I like to keep it that way. This year I used Libby’s Easy Pumpkin pie mix: it’s pre-spiced and sweetened and sooo good. Sal asked me if I made it because he doesn’t like the canned stuff…let’s just say he was majorly surprised. To finish it off, I made some organic whipped cream and voila! I think I’ll make it again for Christmas dinner.
